axpand expert - the fastest editor on the market
Manual editing in axpand is fast and easy. Here just a few examples of what is possible in axpand expert. For more information or a live demonstration, please contact us.
Interactive Generalization
Even though the automatic generalization in axpand is the best there is, there are still situations where manual editing is required.
Using interactive generalization in the editor helps to establish a minimum distance between objects.
Moving Objects while Maintaining Topology
In axpand entire objects can be moved at once while maintaining their topological connections to other objects.
Editing Lines while Maintaining Topology
In axpand line objects can be edited while maintaining their topological connections to other lines and objects.
Re-instate Deleted Objects
If an object has been 'deleted' (set to invisible) during the generalization, in axpand it can easily be re-instated.