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Output Formats


There are several different possibilities available in axpand for map output and exporting data products.

FME - Feature Manipulation Engine developed by Safe Software


Shapefiles - a commonly used data format for geospatial vector data


Text as CSV - Point or line coordinates as comma separated values


Open Layers - Open Source java script library


TIFF  and GeoTIFF - Tagged Image File Format and TIFF with geo-referencing


RASTER - technical rule base for exchange of raster images


Interlis - a standard interface used in Europe, mainly in Switzerland


XML/ NAS - an gml-based interface used in Europe, widely in Germany


EDBS - a standard data format commonly used in Europe, mainly in Germany


PDF, EPS, Postscript - Vector outputs


JPG - screenshots directly from axpand



In the case of specific customer wishes, this list can be extended.

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